My name is Diane. I wish I could tell you that I am the perfect mother and wife. But I am not. In fact, I created this blog with the hopes that it would help me to become a better everything. I want to find solutions to everyday issues that most parents and women have. I want to share these solutions with you and hope that you will share your advice with me as well. Thank you and welcome.

About Me

My photo
I am a mother of 4 beautiful girls. Each one special in their own way. I have a wonderful husband who makes me laugh everyday. He reminds me how good it is to be able to love someone so deeply and truly. I am a happy person who wants to be able to manage my family and home life without totally losing my mind over an occasional mishap or disappearance of socks. I live for my family but understand that sometimes I need a little me time. I enjoy crafts, holidays, cooking, and wish I was a better housekeeper. But that's part of why I am doing this. To become better!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Quick Steak Tacos

I get pretty sick of sandwiches everyday for lunch so today I decided some steak tacos would be great!  Very fast and easy.  I slice up the meat, really any kind will do, I usually buy whatever is on sale, place it in bowl, add some Worcestershire sauce, and let it sit while I cut my veggies up.   I use a variety of veggies (jalapenos, bell peppers, and onions).  Next I heat up some canola oil in a large frying pan and add my meat.  Season it all with garlic powder, salt, and pepper and when the meat is almost ready, I add my veggies, more seasoning if needed, and a fresh squeeze of lime juice.  My kids love their tacos soft, so I warm corn tortillas and serve.  There are hardly ever any left overs!  Enjoy!

Regrowing Romaine Lettuce

If your family eats romaine lettuce as much as we do, try this.  Next time you cut your lettuce, keep the root.  Put it in a glass of water near a sunny window and watch it regrow.  Once they're big enough transplant them into soil and have the kids help. These are about two weeks old now.  I'm giving them another week before I move them to soil.  Great way to save some money and get your kids involved in growing your own food!

Hey there!

It's been so long since I last posted anything.  Life, as usual, takes over.  My children are growing up so fast I can't keep up.  My home is still messy, not sure if it will ever be as clean and put together as I would like, but still working on it anyway.  My husband and I both decided to return to college.  Something we put off for so many years.  Our oldest daughter, Alicia, now 17 years old, is starting her senior year of high school.  I am most certainly not ready to let her go, but what else can I do.  She is very smart and independent.  I know that she will make good choices out there and can't wait to see what she does with the rest of her life.  My second oldest, Aleyna (Lani), has flourished, she is bright, smart, incredibly outgoing, and still has an infectious laugh that can be heard across any crowded room.  She will be a freshman in high school this year.  This makes me lose sleep.  Aleyna is absolutely beautiful.  This means that boys will be a common subject in our conversations.  She loves so easily and sincerely.  I fear that she will experience many broken hearts because she forgives so quickly (forgiveness is a good thing).  I'll be here for her.  My two little ones, Abby and Ari, are precious.  They belong to the "Big Hugs and Kisses Club"!  I am enjoying this time with them, I know it won't last forever so I soak up every sweet moment I can with them.  Oh, my children are indeed growing up and it is ripping my heart to shreds.  I will need to be my strongest this year!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

How to manage it all?

How do you manage it all?  Do you ever?  Really?  I mean really?!  I haven't been able to master this art yet.  However, I know that there are some SUPERMOMS out there that do.  We are a six person family, I have so much laundry to do on a daily basis, it seems never ending.  I recently made (what a pin on Pinterest said) would possibly last a year's worth of laundry detergent.  It was gone in two months.  This is BANANAS!  Does anyone else feel like their laundry is never ending.  I wish I had one of those beautiful laundry rooms you see on Pinterest.  They're so clean and CALM looking.  They  make you want to do laundry.  I sometimes look at those and imagine myself folding laundry while I dance back and forth, while humming a happy song to my self, and then the children come in and say, mommy is my sweater clean, and my response is "Yes, my darling child, it is actually neatly folded in your dresser."  Folded and put away, wouldn't that be nice.  Instead, there is a mountain.  Mt. Laundry Pile, located east of the downstairs bathroom, just off of the family room, where the entire world can see it.  Oh, how I wish my laundry would just put itself away, like on Mary Poppins.  I wish I loved to do laundry.  Maybe then, it would get done.  Note to self, "Time to fold the laundry".

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Homemade Sign Project

Well the girls and I started our sign project and it is going really well.   We were not able to make it to the farmers market or the craft fair this past weekend.  We didn't have enough product to sell, so we are now preparing for the next farmers market which is July 27th.  The signs we made came out great and as predicted all of my girls enjoyed making them.  It's hard not to want to keep all of them!  We are also hoping to make some baked goods to sell at the farmers market and will be searching for and attempting some delicious recipes in the next few days.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

First Summer Project

Being a one income family can be challenging.  We have a budget and need to follow it.  I've decided to take on a project to help create some extra income for us.  We have tons of pallet wood on the side of our home and the plan is to make homemade signs for the upcoming holidays and for everyday use.  Today I purchased some stencils, paint, and paint brushes.  I hope to have more than a few completed by Saturday since it will mark the first farmers market I will showcase them at.  Sunday we will have a set-up at a local arts and crafts fair.  I will have the girls help out with this project.  I think it will be fun.  We spent some of our afternoon coming up with different sayings and words for the signs.  Tomorrow we will start cutting and sanding down some pieces.  I've always wanted to do this, now is a great time!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Coming along...

Over the past few years,or for as long as I can remember, my biggest meltdown trigger has been a chaotic home life.  Messy house, messy life. Well, I have been at home for a few months now and have slowly been working towards an organized, very non-chaotic home life.  Thanks to my sister-in-law and her handy dandy organizational skills, things are coming along. Together we have decreased the overflow of toys, clothes, and anything else you can imagine.  Being a family of 6 has it's downside when it comes to clutter.  She has taught me that I need to force myself to be more organized.  We had been renting for quite some time and finally purchased a home of our own.  I want so badly for it to be a home and not a very large storage room.  Funds are tight so I will have to get creative and crafty.  Luckily, I have my girls at home for the summer and will utilize their help as often as I can.  We have plenty of projects to keep us busy this summer.  I will post pics as often as I can and welcome any tips or positive comments.