Friday, May 22, 2009


This is me and my Abigail! I am truly blessed to be able to stay at home with her! She makes me laugh and smile every single day.

Back to life, AGAIN!

Well, I've been gone for quite some time. For this I am sorry. I feel more lost than ever. I don't want you to join my pity party but I have some things to say. When I started this blog I hoped that it would help me grow and be better to myself and my family. My husband will tell you that I am a great mom and wife, but I feel like I could use some improvement. Since my last post, I have done absolutely nothing. I have been swallowed by a giant fish called "contempt", in my privately owned sea of misery. I had hoped that I would not get swept away in it's waves of laziness and fear and that I would not even attempt to test its waters, but I did. And now it is time for me to throw myself a life preserver and get moving!

It will work this time! The beauty about changing is that you can continue to change over and over again without failure. Each time you learn something new about yourself and your family. Each time you decide that you will do something differently. This is my time!

I have decided to start my "change" with doing something good for my family's health and finances. I have started a vegetable garden. I planted the following fruits, vegetables, and herbs: jalapenos, red and green bell peppers, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, butter nut squash, cucumber, lettuce, sweet and lettuce leaf basil, Italian parsley, rosemary, cilantro, and tarragon. I have also planted some flower seeds for my girls.

I will continue on my quest to conquer the mess in my home. I have even joined a website called This website is amazing. It helped me to understand that I can't do it all in one day. It takes time and effort and it starts with me. I have scheduled my real estate exam for June 4th and will study for it! My girls are also about to get out on summer vacation so I have some fun activities and play days for them to take part it! This will be the best summer yet! I truly believe that it is not to late to make this a good year!