Beautiful Day!

Today is a beautiful day! I feel relaxed and happy. The girls and i have just about completed their rooms, just a few toys to sort through and laundry to put away! My room looks good too. Almost done, just need to sort through paperwork. My banana plant is doing well. I have four tomatoes on my tree and plenty of flowers. My melons are blooming but no sight of an actual melon formation yet. I have 3 jalapenos growing and a few bell peppers. I had about 9 strawberries, but I think I over watered them and they all stopped growing. I added some extra soil to solve the over watering problem and am hoping that they will flourish! It is cloudy outside with a chance of rain. It's calm and soothing. Yes, today is a beautiful day!

Friday, June 12, 2009

2nd week of summer break!

This is week two of summer break for the girls! It has been nice. I've had the girls doing some clean up in their room, it was pretty messy! But they are doing a great job and the help is much appreciated! Next week we'll start on Abby's room and my room! I will post pics when we get done! Also my garden is doing really well. I have flowers blooming on my tomatoes, jalapenos, red and green bell peppers, and melons. By the end of summer we should have lots of each!