My name is Diane. I wish I could tell you that I am the perfect mother and wife. But I am not. In fact, I created this blog with the hopes that it would help me to become a better everything. I want to find solutions to everyday issues that most parents and women have. I want to share these solutions with you and hope that you will share your advice with me as well. Thank you and welcome.

About Me

My photo
I am a mother of 4 beautiful girls. Each one special in their own way. I have a wonderful husband who makes me laugh everyday. He reminds me how good it is to be able to love someone so deeply and truly. I am a happy person who wants to be able to manage my family and home life without totally losing my mind over an occasional mishap or disappearance of socks. I live for my family but understand that sometimes I need a little me time. I enjoy crafts, holidays, cooking, and wish I was a better housekeeper. But that's part of why I am doing this. To become better!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back to work...

I recently returned to my old job.  I was very lucky to be looking for a job at the same time that my most recent employer was looking to hire.  It's nice being back.  I have some of my old friends there and have made some new ones.  Still, I miss being home with my girls, especially Ariana.  She is so tiny and sometimes I feel like she doesn't really know me or need me.  I guess it just means I have to work even harder to make sure she doesn't forget me.  I didn't realize just how hard it is to have 4 children and a full time job.  I barely have time to breath.  I always feel like I'm trying to catch up.  There's laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking, and most importantly loving my family.  That's not a chore of course but I really need to get myself organized so that everything gets done with little drama.  To add to that, I really need to get to losing weight.  I am at my heaviest non-pregnancy weight and can feel it in my knees, ankles, and feet.  I hurt all over.  I joined a gym with the best intentions of working out during my lunch hour, but work gets so busy, sometimes I can't even get a way to use the bathroom.  So what's my plan...well here goes nothing;

Wake up early (5am)
Put in a load of laundry
Work out (P90X it baby!)
Put laundry in dryer
Eat breakfast
Make bed
Groom/Get dressed
Fold laundry
Take out trash
Work, work, work!
Get home, put in another load of laundry
Start dinner
Put laundry in dryer
Dinner time!
Load dishwasher (the rest of the family-15 clean sweep of house)
30 minute family walk
Bath time for everyone!
Fold laundry
Morning prep (set out clothes for next day, make lunches, etc.)
Bed time Zzz!

I will try this for one week, faithfully!  Good night world, tomorrow is a new day!