Monday, July 8, 2013

Coming along...

Over the past few years,or for as long as I can remember, my biggest meltdown trigger has been a chaotic home life.  Messy house, messy life. Well, I have been at home for a few months now and have slowly been working towards an organized, very non-chaotic home life.  Thanks to my sister-in-law and her handy dandy organizational skills, things are coming along. Together we have decreased the overflow of toys, clothes, and anything else you can imagine.  Being a family of 6 has it's downside when it comes to clutter.  She has taught me that I need to force myself to be more organized.  We had been renting for quite some time and finally purchased a home of our own.  I want so badly for it to be a home and not a very large storage room.  Funds are tight so I will have to get creative and crafty.  Luckily, I have my girls at home for the summer and will utilize their help as often as I can.  We have plenty of projects to keep us busy this summer.  I will post pics as often as I can and welcome any tips or positive comments.

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