Saturday, October 18, 2014

How to manage it all?

How do you manage it all?  Do you ever?  Really?  I mean really?!  I haven't been able to master this art yet.  However, I know that there are some SUPERMOMS out there that do.  We are a six person family, I have so much laundry to do on a daily basis, it seems never ending.  I recently made (what a pin on Pinterest said) would possibly last a year's worth of laundry detergent.  It was gone in two months.  This is BANANAS!  Does anyone else feel like their laundry is never ending.  I wish I had one of those beautiful laundry rooms you see on Pinterest.  They're so clean and CALM looking.  They  make you want to do laundry.  I sometimes look at those and imagine myself folding laundry while I dance back and forth, while humming a happy song to my self, and then the children come in and say, mommy is my sweater clean, and my response is "Yes, my darling child, it is actually neatly folded in your dresser."  Folded and put away, wouldn't that be nice.  Instead, there is a mountain.  Mt. Laundry Pile, located east of the downstairs bathroom, just off of the family room, where the entire world can see it.  Oh, how I wish my laundry would just put itself away, like on Mary Poppins.  I wish I loved to do laundry.  Maybe then, it would get done.  Note to self, "Time to fold the laundry".

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